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Andre-Marie Ampere |
Werner was soon back in the German Army where, it is recorded, he developed guncotton. He was promoted to operate the powder factory at Spandau, but wrangled a transfer to a staff which was replacing Army optical telegraphs with electrical. At last he was in his chosen field. After resigning his commission, he called in his brothers Karl and Friederich to establish Siemens brothers and the firm began taking orders for telegraph systems. Karl soon captured the Russian market, first winning the Czar's favor by making a private telegraphic installation which ran down a drainpipe, leaving the appearance of the palace unmarred. Siemen's Russian branch went on to become one of their most important, rivalled only by that in England, opened by Wilhelm.
The brothers also applied themselves to the task of transmitting mechanical work into electrical energy. This was facilitated by Werner's development of the shuttle armature for the generation of alternating current. The first generators that performed satisfactorily were shown at the Paris Exhibition in 1867 and Siemens was among the engineers displaying his produc Above all, however, it was the engine he developed and called the "dynamo" that paved the way for the universal employment of electrical heavy current. In 1881, Werner connected a steam engine directly to a dynamo. The same year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison, displayed a 300 HP dynamo at the Paris Exhibition, which aroused wonder in the beholders; but when he returned to Europe the following year, he, in turn, was surprised to see a 1000 HP Siemens direct-connected, steam-driven dynamo in the Berlin Power Station. The interests of the brothers were far flung. In 1879 Werner placed the first 21ectric locomotive in commission, and in 1880 he displayed the first electric elevator at the Industrial Exposition at Mannheim. One of his last installations was the equipping of a North Ireland Railroad, including the water-driven dynamo and the motors in the tram cars. Alongside the monumental projects in other fields, possibly the elevator seemed relatively and momentarily insignificant. At any rate the company did not pursue its development. On Christmas Day in 1887, Werner wrote to Karl in St. Petersburg, "I regard our business only secondly as a source of wealth; for me it is rather a kingdom that I hope to leave intact to my successors for further creative work." The firm did continue to be creative and became one of the great factors in its field. Just prior to World War II, it was making one-twelfth all the world's electrical goods. Although no elevator equipment was involved in its wide range of products, the prolific brothers had made highly significant contributions to vertical transportation, directly and indirectly. Werner von Siemens photos contributed by Adrian Moore. |
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